From $24 | 4 Font Family by Harold's Fonts
The 4 REPUBLIQUE fonts have a distinctive vintage feel. They were inspired by the lettering on one style of Paris Metro sign, designed by the architect Adolphe Dervaux and first installed in 1924. (This design coexists with the more famous Art Nouveau “Metropolitain” signs, designed by Hector Guimard in 1900 and made of sinuous wrought iron.) The “Candelabra Dervaux” signs use this design, cut from metal like stencils for back-lighting, and crossed by parallel line that suggest train tracks. I've created a Solid version without the cross bars, and then Shadow versions of each that can use used with or without the other version.
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4 Fonts Included
Republique Solid Shadow
Republique Solid Shadow
Republique Regular
Republique Regular
Republique Solid
Republique Solid
Republique Shadow
Republique Shadow
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